Smart Lock offline

Guys I am three clicks of buying this Smart Lock 2.0 Combo.

I appreciate the opportunity to be part of this forum. I’d like to know whether this offline issue is still happening.

I have a remote cottage where the electricity is down sometimes for a long time. When it is up, I’ve got WiFi there and OpenHAB running with ZWave operating few things already. Not sure if that is relevant haha.

Am I safe to buy? This question translates to: Is this issue still an issue + does it reflect on my configuration?
My use case is that when the internet is down, still I can unlock via Bluetooth.

Thanks a lot!
Cheers! <3

@Juergen @MatthiasK

One of the benefits of the Nuki Smart Lock is that you can use it even when the electricity is down.
Whether that works in your use case is something you have to answer yourself as many things are limited when there is no connectivity (e.g. remote access, 3rd party integrations, battery notifications…). Also the internal clock of the Smart Lock might drift slightly if there is no one (App, Bridge) who synchronizes it for a long time.

This is a developer forum. If you want questions like this answered, please head over to the official Nuki support.

Hi @Johannes_De_Silentio ,

“But on my phone it still showed “Nuki offline”. It was then when i realized that i have a DNS based ad blocker on my phone which somehow interfered. I deactivated it and got back Nuki access instantly. Kept following the situation by activating/deactivating the DNS based ad blocker and checking on Nuki: sometimes it can access it just fine, sometimes not at all, but when i deactivate my adblocker it ALWAYS works.”

Same issue here. Using NextDNS on my iPhone breaks the communication between Bridge and iPhone.
Although NextDNS ad blocker is not blocking any requests for Nuki, it impacts the communication.
Disabling NextDNS makes it working again.

We have a nuki smart lock in our recently purchased home( smart lock + bridge + keypad). I have been facing this issue of the lock going offline very frequently .
My user experience has been terrible over the last month.

Once the lock goes offline, the only way to bring it back to life is to take the batteries out, remove thb lock from the door and put it back and put the batteries back.

I have tried replacing that batteries, changing the location of the bridge etc. no luck.
What logs can I post in order to resolve this issue?

Please contact our support via the Nuki App (Menu > Help > Contact Customer Support) for more detailed information.

This forum is focused on developer related issues.

I did already try to contact customer support but I have not received any communication in over 5 days :frowning: … that is why I was trying to reach out here to see if there was a known issue that had some workaround or fix

Got the same issue today for the third time. Opened a ticked. It makes the lock feel unreliable :frowning:

Hi , i have the same problemes…the opener it’s ok it’s online so work! but the smart lock is gone off line. I think it’s not very safe reliable.

And now nuki hides our comments.

Your post got flagged by someone. Most likely because it is offensive and not helpful here in the developer forum.

Please contact support via the Nuki App (Menu > Help > Contact Customer Support) as this is an individual problem and might require sharing logs and other sensitive data. If you are a subscriber to the hosting services you might also contact the B2B support ( They can have a look at your specific request / problem.

Third time I encounter this issue…
All seems ok in the connection status bar but the smart lock is offline…
Very shity because obliged to go back home to open the door to my children…
A ticket is opened…

Guys im having same issue. And this is super frustrating! Is there no solution for this? should i just throw this away?

Hello! My Nuki is all connected I check on my status! Please I can’t entry in home with key! Only with Nuki was everything working good! How this can happen with on system that coast me 500€?! This is not normal! My firmware was updated 3Am and now don’t work even bluthoot. Support is not working now! I have guest for come in! How now I can entry in my apartment?! Someone have to solve me this urgently!!! I can’t remove my battery like some people do! What I can do now?!

Hello @Svetoslava_Atanasova,

this is a developer focused forum.

Please reach out directly to our support team for further assistance:
