Smart Lock (4th generation) Firmware Beta 4.0.x

Smart Lock (4th generation) Updates

Smart Lock Beta 4.0.34

  • WiFi stability and connectability improvements
  • Bugfixes and stability improvements

Smart Lock Beta 4.0.35

  • Bugfixes and stability improvements

How do I install it? Thank you

Good morning. I installed beta firmware 4.0.34 this morning. Now the smartlock no longer loses the wifi signal, so when I connect remotely it is always online. I’ll do further checks and update the post.

Hi, I just received nuki 4th gen and I have wi fi issues. How did you manually update to 4.0.34?

Good morning. You cannot update manually. You must communicate your smartlock ID to a person at nuki, to join as a developer, by doing so you will find the update via wifi via the app.

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Ouch, I see. Thank you. I will contact Nuki support.

Have a look at this: Nuki Beta Program - Nuki Developers

Original post has been updated with release notes for the Smart Lock Beta 4.0.35

Please install this beta and provide your feedback via this channel - thank you!

After installing latest firmware, WiFi is working as expected.