Hello everyone,
I am running a local MQTT server (mosquitto) and find that it is very comfortable/fast to open the door via MQTT instead of going the Bluetooth route. I am using
mosquitto_pub -h -m "3" -t nuki/XXXXXX/lockAction
in Termux Widget on an Android phone, enabling a very fast single touch door opening.
I would like to poll/get the current battery level,as I do not open the app anymore. I see status messages every two hours when subscribing to “nuki/#” , but as I am using this on a mobile phone I can not be constantly subscribed to the topic.
mosquitto_pub -h -m "3" -t nuki/XXXXXX/batteryChargeState
did not work successfully for me, though I probably misunderstod the API docs in this regard.
Is there a way to get the battery evel on request (polling) resp. get the complete lock state including the battery level on demand?