Send codes in Messenger friendly format

I can’t seem to post this in feature requests. it says “You are not permitted to view the requested resource.”

Product name

Smart Hosting


Changing the format of the message with codes that gets sent out on Smoobu


Adding an option in “Recipient of the invitation” of Smoobu (or other PMS) Settings that sends out the Smartlock and Ppener codes in a messenger friendly format (similar to the new Airbnb App feature).


To use with Nuki, it’s necessary to use a PMS. However the PMS will send your E-Mail directly to the chat of It’s a message that uses an E-Mail formatting and is made for E-Mail, which makes it unusable. It means I have to send out the codes manually.


Like the “On Airbnb App” option in the Settings for Airbnb bookings.


Do you meant the message is too long? Would you like to see just the codes? Could you please elaborate with an example?

Thanks for you reply! So ideally I would do away with codes for each guest and the app entirely, but that’s another feature request :wink: Given you will create a code for each guest, my second favorite option would be to just let me create my own message and provide placeholders that automatically enter the codes into the message. But since that’s also a different feature request, I will stick to the most simple way to dramatically improve the experience for my guests using Smoobu and Airbnb

Currently you’re forwarding an E-Mail to Smoobu and Smoobu is sending that E-Mail into the Chat (see picture).

  • It’s extremely badly spaced
  • it refers to “this E-Mail” even though it’s a chat message,
  • the footer is at the end of the message
  • and you’re referring to links which are not there.
  • Also, especially if you have a big apartment for 10 people with an opener and a smart lock, it’s really confusing and inconvenient writing the first 10 codes for the first door and then another 10 codes for the second (this problem is exasperated without proper spacing).

It would be a big improvement if you can send the message like this (btw this will also improve the new Airbnb App message, as it’s also very badly spaced and way to long):

----- Your Nuki Codes - automated message from Nuki -----

Guest app invitation code 1:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 2:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 3:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 4:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 5:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 6:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 7:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 8:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 9:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

Guest app invitation code 10:
Apartment: OZI-LPI-ZVK (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)
Haustür / Front Door: GCY-BIZ-QIV (Activation Link: Einladung einlösen - Nuki)

(PS: I’m not sure why, but it’s converting my links into hyperlinks with aliases. I would just sent the links as text, since will remove the hyperlinks)

There is no need to post any more information on how to download the app. Host can explain this in their own messaging. The less you write the more I can customize my messaging the way I want it.

Thanks for the valuable feedback, I will take a feature request for this and add it to the roadmap.

That’s fantastic! Thank you so much. I’m sure it would be a huge relief vor all hosts using (and I’m sure other platforms who don’t use an e-mail alias) as well as Airbnb, if you decide to change the length and formatting of the new Airbnb App feature. :pray::pray::pray:

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