Request Client Secret for Advanced API integration


I’m Jorge and I’m a developer of AvaiBook, a short-term rental software in Spain, Italy and Portugal.

We want to develop an integration with Nuki and we have requested the secret key 8-10 days ago but we have not received a reply.

Nuki web account -
Email of the request to the advanced api -

Can you help us to get access or what can we do?

Hello Jorge,

Apologies for the delay.
Somebody from our Sales team will be in touch with you shortly to understand the use case.
We will help you get access once we connect with you. Thanks.

Good morning,

My name is Juan Luis, I have a tourist accommodation with an automatic opening system NUKI at the main entrance door.

I have recently contracted with AVAIBOOK for the management of the accommodation.

Is there a way to automate the generation of entry codes and sending them to users, integrating the two systems. Or are you still developing it?

I am very interested.
Thank you.

Hi Juan,

We’re in touch with Avaibook and are helping them integrated our API.
The automation of keys will be done from AvaiBook platform once the integration is complete. We request you to get in touch with AvaiBook for the timeline. Thanks.