Problem with auto unlock


I just bought my nuki yesterday and im in love with it, but, there is a small problem that probably has a solution, so i need your advise :slight_smile:

When i arrive home, i need to drive my car to a close distance of the main door (around 6-7 meters from the lock) before parking it. That action unlocks the door

The problem is that while a park the car, take my items from the boot, etc… the door has already been locked again.

Is there any easy solution for this? I can think in two improvements (i dont know if those already exist)

1 - Limit the distance range to wake up the lock to 1-2 meters. Probably it is about reducing the energy of the BT
2 - After an auto-unlock, lock the door again only if the door has been open. It is, if you unlock the door because you come close to the door and unlock it, dont lock it again if the door has not been open.


Sounds as if you may have auto lock enabled as well as auto unlock. This locks your door automatically when it has been unlocked for a certain period of time. You can disable this in settings, or choose a longer period (default is only 5 min, so I can see why it might cause problems). Maximum is 30 min.


Yes, i have autolock active, but i would like to improve it a bit, to trigger autolock only when the door is closed and it has been open after an auto unlock. Is it possible?


If you have the door sensor activated, with auto lock the door should lock as soon as it is closed. If you also set the auto lock delay to (say) 20 minutes so that it doesn’t go off early, you may achieve most of what you’re after - though I can see that it isn’t quite right. I think the IF… AND IF you are looking for is a bit beyond the lock’s capability at the moment. IFTTT has an “Arrive Home” trigger and a “Door Closed” trigger which you might be able to make something out of, but the delays involved in IFTTT are always a bit unpredictable and running two applets in quick succession is asking for trouble.