Please clarify the values of the response to the /smartlog/log API function. Especially the values of “action”, “trigger” and “state”.
BTW: Why the limit of maximum 50 entriess? This results in lots of requests (and therefore a significant load), if one needs to do a query for a longer period.
I understand the intention to avoid server load by offering paginating logs. This might make perfect sense if one is manually browsing through the logs.
OTOH, to retrieve the logs of one month (e.g to check invoice or room service), I need about 50 requests. Do you really think 50 requests each delivering 50 entries results in a lower server load than a single request delivering 2500 entries?
If you want to force a limit, it should definitely not be as low as 50 entries.
May I ask what is state 9?
{“feature”:“DEVICE_LOGS”,“smartlockLog”:{“id”:“62e4fb4f9ca9cd7c03361553”,“smartlockId”:179xxxxxxx,“deviceType”:4,“authId”:“62e4c1exxxxxxxxxxxx”,“name”:“booking-330767 (Keypad)”,“action”:3,“trigger”:255,“state”:9,“autoUnlock”:false,“date”:“2022-07-30T09:35:11.000Z”}}