Pincode "from" "to" restriction on keypad

I created a pin code on a Keypad as follow:

The slot is set from 20/03/2023 at 6pm but the code should be allowed from 5pm.
In Paris, France it’s currently 5:45pm and my pincode is rejected.

Do I miss something ?

My goal is allowing in the WooCommerce plugin I’m developing to allow access X minutes before and after a slot.

Thank you for your help.


Apologies for the delayed response. Did you check the timezone setting of the Smart Lock? The timezone of the authorization should be the same as the Smart Lock, and hence check if this was matching your local timezone. If it does, and you use the entry code when it is time restricted, then you should get “Not authorized” error in activity log.

Thank you for your answer, I will dig back in this issue soon and check this.


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