Opner Error (0xFD)

My opner suddently stopped working Yesterday after 1 year of use. I reinstalled the opner and it Worked for a hour, then it stopped again…
Its not opning the door, when you press Open Door in app, and not opning in contious mode or ring to open

It activity log it shows “Battery level to low OxFD” but its not connected to a battery, its connected to the intercoms power supply from the grid

First suspect: could the power-supply from the intercom be defective?

No the intercome working fine, and just checked cables this evening, everything is connected, and the opner also work sometimes ( 20 of the time)

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Could the power fluctuate? Does the Nuki work with batteries or a power-pack inserted?


The Nuki Opener is not supplied from the intercom. The device has 4 x AAA batteries build in. You have to remove the cover and replace.

Please check latest FW 1.11.0 installed on device.

best regards

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