Opener @ Siedle-Bus and maybe others : Turn stairway light on

Product name

Nuki Opener


At least the Siedle Bus and maybe other bus intercom systems provide the opportunity to turn the stairway light on. Please include this into the Nuki system when possible. From my point of view this should “oonly” be an additional signal via the bus, similar to ringing and opening the door.


The Siedle-Bus has the opportunity to turn the light on at the stairway (when installed) .
Maybe other systems may have similar options.
It would be awesome to have this included into the Nuki system - not only for the Opner but also in combination with the lock. (see below)


additional comfort and security


Turn the light on when somebody rings
Turn the light on when front door is opened
Turn the light on, when the flat door is opened
Turn the light on only between sunset and sunrise (or individual times)