Opener: add door sensor

Product name

NUKI Opener


When the NUKI Opener is used as a garage door opener, a door sensor would be useful


Add a door sensor to the NUKI Opener, so when used as a garage door opener you know if the garage door is open or closed.


When connected to a garage door where short-circuiting either opens or closes the garage door based on it’s current state, you need to know if the garage door is open or closed, so you know if pressing the (virtual) button opens or closes the garage door.


The opener indicates the garage door is closed, so you know that pressing the virtual opener button opens the garage door.

The opener indicates the garage door is open, so you know that pressing the virtual opener button closes the garage door.

Dear @nukiforum,

Your idea makes perfect sense & is very useful!

We also have a scenario in which we use the NUKI OPENER as a garage door opener.

Example: You drive home in the car & activate the NUKI OPENER via Auto Unlock & the door opens so that you can comfortably enter the garage without having to press anything.

Unfortunately, the opener (so far!) cannot query whether the door is open or closed.

If the door is open because the children are playing in the garden - then the door closes before your eyes.

I am curious about the solution here!