Nuki Ultra Cylinder

Hi there,

just got my Nuki Ultra (Germany) but unfortunately the outdoor side is too long. The cylinder only provides 30, 35 and 40mm length and with 30mm it stands out about 4-5mm.
Will there be any other cylinder in the future or any options for me without changing the door? Otherwise I would have to downgrade to my 3.0 pro again :frowning:

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Write to Nuki. They can provide a solution.

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I did,
they said they couldn’t do anything about it.

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Just use your old cylinder and cut off the key.

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Do you - or has anyone - had any experiences with that? I would have to glue or screw the plate to the door then …

Taking the old cylinder is not a good idea, as it will then lack the screw to attach the mounting plate. A different door fitting may help. The one pictured is 15mm thick on the outside, if your old fitting was 10mm you have the missing 5mm. Or contact the manufacturer of the Nuki cylinder M&C, who also offer other cylinders.

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So? The old Nuki locks have been taped to the door for years and now it is suppose to be a problem? Yes, of course, it would have been great if Nuki technicians/designers would not have been stupid and the mounting plate would just fit to the screws of the rosette. But why think about those easy things, if you could just claim to bring out another lock to fit persisting cylinders?

Using the old cylinder, cutting off the key and taping Nuki to the door works just fine, if one wants to go down this road.

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Thanks for your reply.
I also contacted the manufacturer and got this reply:
„If it is the side of the cylinder with the key insertion, the standard 30 mm is the length. This side of the cylinder cannot be shortened.“

Guess I will send the Ultra back and keep using my 3.0 Pro again :-/

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Take your old cylinder, cut your key off, thank me later.

@Kaktus317 how do you cut the key so it is perfectly centred? Are ther any hints to do that?

Use a metal saw or if lazy like me an angle grinder - it’s no rocket science.

@Kaktus317 its Not that easy. My key isnt centered in the lock. So i dont find it easy to cut it in shape hat it will rotate withe that gear in row…

Well, maybe you’re not meant to have a Nuki Ultra then (yet)…

I already got one and it ist running. But unfortunately with that universal crap cylinder :wink:

When you turn the key, you see which part doesn’t move. Mark that spot with a pen. That is the center of rotation. Then cut the key symmetrically from there.

I haven’t been able to get my hands on a ultra yet as they are sold out. But that is how I plan to do it.