Nuki SmartLock 3.0 Pro double press button speed

Hi Everyone!

I have configured the function Lock’n’Go, on double pressing the button on the lock. Nearly everytime if I want to use this feature, the lock starts the unlock process on the first button press and stops it after the second one. Even if i press really fast, it sometimes happens, that the unlock process gets stopped.

Why is this so? Maybe the time between the first and second button press should be longer (configurable with the app), to dedect double presses more precisely.



same issue here. A configurable double press time would be a big help!


Same issue here on a SL 3.0. I’m glad our unit isn’t faulty :wink:
Our solution was to set Lock’n’Go to 1-Click and no function on 2-Click. I wish the 2-Click detection would work better. Overall, the tactile feedback of the button could be better. Even on the brand new piece of hardware it feels kind of broken.

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Same problem here, this needs to be fixed. This was way better in Nuki V1 and V2, double click on V3 is unusable.