I have Pro 3 and after some time I started to get many failure events with the Nuki.
- Nuki forgets where is position of “open” and stops 1/4 turn before. After several iterations of open/close it is back to correct functionality. My wife stayed outside the apartment once , because Nuki didn’t opened the lock until the end.
- sometimes the Nuki tries to turn the lock (close) more than it possible and defined. It calibrated good and have spare movement place on each position about 15 degree , but sometimes it goes over the defined ‘close’ point. it gives error 0x06. I check by hand and don’t face any difficulty or extra force to close or to open.
- sometimes the Nuki sounds like it is too much difficult for him to turn the control ring or like the battery is very-very low . But the battery is OK , above 60% and I check immediately with my hand that no any extra effort for turning the lock.
To change Nuki to version 4 will resolve these problems ? Nuki 4 is more reliable ?