Nuki opener - kanrich PH855

Hi. Need some help with the conections beetween opener and my building doorbell.
I managed To Get the open door working but noting else.
Can you help with some guidance?

Can anyone help with the connections?

Can anyone please give a sugestion with the wirings?

Same device here. Any tips how to connect?

I managed to get everything working 100% without solderings or anything different.
This unit is fully compatible with nuki opener
Opening the door works
Ring is dettecting
Ring to open works fine
Continuos mode works fine
Ring supression works fine

Can you share the connection you made?

Nuki Black on 2
Nuki Red on 3
Nuki Blue on 4
Nuki Purple and nuki green on 7
7brown from kanrich with nuki yellow on clamp

Which mode did you used on the configuration?

Analog generic

Do you live in an apartment building, meaning there is several buttons to be ring downstairs?
Opener is working, but ring is not detected (as mine uses a code to understand the ring is for our apartment.

Yes 6 apartments in my case

Ok. It cannot detect ring in my case with this setup. Equipment is slightly different, so I will explore further. As analog I am not seeing how it would detect the ring, since it is codified (not analog) thus asking, maybe you are not using a 2 wire system (same wires to all apartments, using codes to identify ringing, and your wires come directly from the intercom downstairs. I have 10 apartments, which is usually already above direct connection systems. But happy to be able to open the door at least!! Main usage for me.

Olha que se tens o mesmo videoporteiro que eu, deves conseguir detectar o sinal.
Pode ser uma questão de voltagem. Ha uns tempos atras quando ainda estava em testes pedi ao Georg_S para auxiliar.
Ele alterou-me umas configurações que acjo que se mantem:

Deve ser so isso a diferença

Entra em contacto com ele que vais ver que ficas com isso a funcionar

@Georg_S can you help with the custom settings needed to detect ringing?