I have biught the nuki smartlock 2.0 and so far it works. No i would like to buy the nuki opener but as some people write here that it is bot compatible to the gira ap1250 i dont know. I would just like to open the door with the app manually wirh the opener. Dont need the othee functions with the opener. Is it not possible to comnect the opener on the gita -1250 so that i can open the outsode door of my house with the smart app of nuki. Dont need the doorbell and other functions.
Hi Gerald,
the cheapest and easiest option is to solder the opener leads directly to the Gira PCB. For manually opening the door only, 2 wires need to be soldered to the Gira board, to be able to “push” the Gira AP open-button.
Let me know if you need any more help.
do you like to offer additional information where the wires GROUND (purble) , BELL (yellow) and OPENER (blue) exectly need tobe soldered on to the pcb of the AP 1250?