Nuki Opener for 2 wire intercom... please help

I have Airbnb apartments and would like to install Self check-in feature for my guests. First barrier is the front building door. I want when guests just ring my apartment number on the intercom it automatically opens the building door. I wouldn’t like that my guests need to install any app.

It is video interfon, 2 wires. I really really would like that Nuki Opener could work on this intercom.

Any idea would be welcome, even if something has to be modified.

Indoor unit: DT433/D4 | Komel co

Here are some photos:

Outdoor unit and indoor units

Here are the links of my intercom

Indoor unit: DT433/D4 | Komel co
Outdoor unit: DMR18/ID | Komel co

there is also documentation on links