Nuki Opener / App: Actionable Ring Notifications

Product name

Nuki Opener / Nuki App


Improve the notification for doorbell rings in the Nuki App to be actionable.

I can’t believe that at the moment the notifications when someone rings the doorbell do not contain any actions you can directly trigger (at least that’s the case on iOS).


When someone rings the doorbell, the app sends a notification about it. Currently this is a simple notification.

However, it would make so much sense to implement an actionable notification (iOS: Declaring Your Actionable Notification Types) which would then enable the user to directly trigger the door opener from that notification.


This would be a huge convenience feature!


  • Someone rings the bell, I can easily react on that without having to wait for the app to load

Moved it to planned as it is already live for iOS since App version 2.5.2 and will be included in the next Android Beta. :slight_smile: