Nuki club registration - Nuki Smartlock was registered that is not mine


today I registered to the Nuki club via the Nuki App.

In my Nuki app, I have one Nuki I own myself, and a Nuki from a permission of my brothers Nuki.

With registering to the Nuki Club, both Nuki Smartlocks were registered to my Club account. This should not happen!

Another issue was to find out what of the two registered Nukis is mine. In the Nuki Club webpage, only serials are listed. It took me some time to find out the serials of the SmartLocks in the app (the way is “Manage your devices” / “Smart Lock” / Select the SmartLock / “Connection status” / Click on the SmartLock icon --> Smart Lock ID).
The ID is neither visible at the SmartLock settings nor the Administration section in the app.

Best regards.

@MatthiasK Hi Stefan, could you verify this, as to have a foreign Smartlock registered to my account, is a bit strange.


Yes, the Apps currently seem to send all IDs to the form as we can’t see where you are administrator. We are looking into this to improve the workflow. In general there is no downside for you having this ID assigned atm; it just should not be that way in the long-term.