Nuki Bridge lost connection to Smartlock 4.0

@Stefan_E A fix in the form of a new Beta FW has been released, which in this case requires the installation to be done locally, simply due to the fact that the Nuki Bridge is not connecting anymore to your Smart Lock to automatically install a FW update, which it normally would do if configured accordingly. We are not commenting on speculations as to why this issue was caused but are focused on providing a solution.

To everyone reading:
According to feedback received this fix is working and we plan to publicly release it in the course of this week to all customers. In the meantime, you still have the option to install the Beta FW until then.

As I’ve mentioned previously “If required, we will follow-up with direct communication to deal with individual cases, such as yours.”. This is what is going on - also with your individual case and will continue.


The lock went offline due to a bug in your firmware, and now our vacation flat has been offline for the second week. For almost two weeks, I’ve been asking how to get it back online. I even offered to send someone on-site to physically power cycle the lock. Yet after nearly TWO WEEKS, not a single response from your side, and your support team is still unreachable.

By the way, “if configured accordingly” is an INSULT to all your paying customers whose locks have gone offline. Have you checked any forums lately? People are constantly complaining about Nuki locks going offline after a few weeks. Even on the Airbnb user forum, you’re the hot topic (I’m sure that’s doing wonders for your sales). Ironically, you announced that this beta would fix the bug of locks going offline. How convenient to now blame it on “incorrect configuration.”

So, just answer this one simple question: What exactly is configured wrong when your locks go offline after 3-4 weeks?

I think it is not too hard to understand that the Smart Lock will install the update automatically if

  1. you’re enrolled for beta (or wait for the public release that has been announced for this week)
  2. automatic updates are enabled (they are by default to my concern) … that’s what most likely is meant with “configured accordingly”

But in every case someone needs to be locally at your Smart Lock and reboot it once (remove/insert batteries).
There is no way around this no matter how often you request other solutions.

I think it also doesn’t help if you keep referring to a 3 year old feature request for a different product (the Nuki Opener and not the Nuki Smart Lock).
Maybe this 3 year old problem with the Nuki Opener has been fixed already and that might be the reason nobody else commented that ticket for 3 years.

Hello Tobias,

I am asking for nearly two weeks if a power cycle would bring back the lock online but the support does not answer emails and the person in this forum avoids a clear answer.

The lock is registered for the beta but probably auto updates are not enabled as that is a no go for a productive system.

Why is the Nuki support not able to confirm if I can send someone to power cycle the lock so that it can install the beta remotely?

Why is the Nuki support not reachable via phone?

Why is the Nuki support not answering emails?

One of the main advertised usages of the Nuki locks are remote vacation homes. For that reason people usually have the bridge. If the main advertised usage does not work and renders the lock offline then a paying customer would expect clear guidance from support.

Do you need to power cycle the unit or factory reset the unit when you always have that problem? That’s a very big difference. Support once told me a factory reset is required whenever the lock goes offline. Thats obviously not doable.

Nevertheless your comment “I always have the same” is very shocking to hear. What is the use of a smart lock if this problem happens so frequently? Constantly having to send someone to fix Nukis problem is a bit of expensive.

Sorry, I did not recognize you asking the “will a reboot bring it back online” question here in the forum.
But you have been posting in so many other topics and honestly I haven’t read them all.

But yes, a reboot will fix it and either you’ll enable auto updates (at least for now) and wait till it is installed automatically (once it is public) or have someone in BLE range of the Smart Lock install it manually.

And because you are referring to the general reliability just a side note:
I’m also affected by this issue but I’m using Nuki locks (Gen 1, 3 and 4) at multiple locations for years and this is the first time such an issue occurred to me (I have been locked out of my home but I still carry a key with me as it is necessary for other doors in my building).
Yes, this is really bad and it is out of question that something like this should never happen but nobody is perfect and errors do happen.
But I understand your concern and I also might react differently if I were a new customer and this happens in the first few days/weeks.

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Hello Tobias,

Thanks for your post. Since last Monday, I’ve been trying to get a simple answer from Nuki support about whether a reboot might at least temporarily bring the lock back to life. After waiting in the support queue for 20 minutes, the one time I actually reached someone, the answer was a resounding “no”—apparently, a factory reset is the only solution. It makes you wonder why “support” is in their job title, doesn’t it?

And yes, even our vacation flat still has an old-fashioned key lock, but the whole point of the Nuki was to assign pin codes to users, guests, and workers, without having the code become public knowledge. Funny enough, that’s exactly what Nuki advertises as a key feature!

Maybe you can just reset or reboot your lock every time it fails! In our case, we were planning to deploy it across over 300 properties. For that kind of scale, we need a reliable solution—and, even more crucially, a company with functioning support.

After this lovely two-week experience, Nuki is clearly out of the running for our project, and we’re going back to evaluate alternative options.

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Also regarding the new firmware and the announcement I had asked the support if I can power cycle the lock and get the firmware installed via the bridge. Guess what. Nobody dared to give an answer

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If the lock is registered for beta and if it is online via the bridge and if auto-update is enabled, the update will be installed over night like any other update (might take up to 2 days until it is installed).

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