Nuki App available in Carplay

Product name

For which NUKI product do you want to submit a feature request?
Smart Lock


Quick summary what this request is about.
Integrate Nuki App into Carplay (or Andriod Auto) to use the App from the driver’s seat when approching the door or garage without searching for the mobile phone.


Detailed description of desired features.
Integrate Nuki App into Carplay (or Andriod Auto) to use the App from the driver’s seat when approching the door or garage without searching for the mobile phone.


Why is this feature needed?
Much more comfortable for users.


How would you like to use this feature?
Every day when me and my wife are coming home.

I don’t believe Apple Review would approve an app like this… if you check what CarPlay apps are available on the App Store you will see that the “type” of the app is between: navigation, audio, voice messages, and it is not because developers are not investing on it, trust me, I’m a developer myself.

One suggestion; you can use Siri Shortcuts for that, if you use it often it will get recommended to you in your CarPlay Dashboard

Shelly has an app in Carplay, and that can be used to open/trigger door opening mechanisms. So I don’t see why Apple would block a NUKI Carplay app. Makes perfect sense to me!

Ive never seen it before, thats cool! so apparently they are getting more flexible with which apps they allow

need to be able to have a delay!
ie I select the open door, get out the car, lock the car and walk to the door. so after 20 second from selecting, the door unlocks as I arrive at the door.