Nuki 3.0 Pro - WebAPI - Open door (iOS Shortcut)

Hello everyone,

I would like to open my Nuki using a shortcut on my iPhone.
Peter W. has created a very good guide with a ready-made shortcut (

This guide also works. Unfortunately, the door is only unlocked and not opened (open door).

Unfortunately, I didn’t find a suitable command on the website that would open the door.

Is there a WebAPI command for this?

I thank you :slight_smile:


Yes, you can do this via the “unlatch” action.
Please see the Swagger model for the options available: Swagger UI

action type = 3 for unlatch or open door.
Please ensure the correct setting for your door handle, that can be set up in the Nuki app (i.e. Lever, Knob or bar or Lift-up handle).

Hallo Poonam,

than you for your replay. Can you help me with what I need to enter or replace in the shortcut app on the iPhone?

Thank you.:pray:t2::blush:

Shortcut for unlock the door

What’s the setting for the door in Nuki App? Does this match the door you have?
You can check this in Nuki App under Features & Configuration > General > Choose door fitting
(attached screenshot below for your reference)