Nuki 3.0 pro puo funzionare in coppia?

Buon giorno non ho trovato nessun contatto per chiedere informazioni e provo qui su questo forum di sviluppatori, non possiedo ancora una smart lock ma vorrei prenderne una, o meglio 2 che dovrebbero funzionare entrambe sulla stessa porta; in pratica una serratura apre e chiude la porta con 5 giri e la seconda blocca la prima serratura con 4 giri, ovviamente la prima serratura “master” deve essere la prima a chiudersi e la seconda “slave” deve bloccare la master, per poter entrare in casa la sequenza deve essere invertita, la slave deve sbloccare la master e poi la master deve aprirsi.
Le due Nuki riescono a comunicare tra loro? può la slave dare il consenso alla master e la master alla slave?
avete mai avuto una situazione del genere ? Grazie a tutti per l’aiuto o il supporto
tradurro con Google translate scusate gli errori

Good morning I have not found any contact to ask for information and I try here on this developer forum, I don’t have a smart lock yet but I would like to get one, or better 2 which should both work on the same port; in practice, a lock opens and closes the door with 5 turns and the second blocks the first lock with 4 turns, obviously the first “master” lock must be the first to close and the second “slave” must block the master, in order to enter at home the sequence must be reversed, the slave must unlock the master and then the master must open.
Are the two Nukis able to communicate with each other? can the slave give consent to the master and the master to the slave?
Have you ever had a situation like this? Thanks everyone for any help or support
I will translate with Google translate, sorry for the mistakes

Nuki itself without any Smart Home integration can not do this by itself.
You have to do it manually (i.e. 2 locks in the App which you operate in the right sequence).

If you want to automate it, you could try the IFTTT integration or any of the available APIs (e.g. MQTT API or bridge API) in combination with a Home Automation system (e.g. Home Assistant).

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thank you very much for the answer, I have an apple homekit system and for fun I’m trying home assistant on a raspy I had at home, at the moment I don’t have the two locks yet because I wanted to be sure it could be done, in practice I should create a routine with the open or closed states of the various locks such as: “when I exit, close the master and if the master is closed, then close the slave” Thanks again