Nuki 3.0 Pro drops WLAN and doesn't reconnect

I have bought and recieved a Nuki 3.0 Pro. I had no issues installing and programming via the app. Unfortunately tho i have two issues that i cannot fix no matter how hard i try.

  1. The Auto Unlock does not work. I’ve tried all settings, did 50+ attempts at unlocking it automatically by leaving the geo fence, reentering it and standing like an idiot in front of the door, having to reach for my iphone and unlocking it. Might as well used my key by then making the whole thing obsolete. of course one can argue that being able to remotely access the door would still be a selling point … hear me out.

  2. the device will connect to WLAN for about 1-5 minutes, drop connection and never reconnect. i have to manually disable WLAN in Nuki app, reenter password for the network only for it to drop after 5 minutes again. I actually bought a repeater because i thought 2 bars might be too bad of a connection and dedicated the repeater to the whole setup. i made sure the Nuki only connects to the repeater which has FULL bars and is very close to the Nuki. Still. it won’t stay connected.

I’m at loss at what a terrible experience i’m having with this thing. i laid down 200€+ 70€ for the repeater to go to my door, search my pockets for a thing, take it into my hands only to watch a robot unlock the door. literally might as well take the key into my hand and do it myself. there is no value to it at the moment.

please tell me this will be fixed or i’m straight up sending it back.

I couldn’t edit anymore so i might add that i’m using a Speedport Smart 4 via Telekom and a AVM FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX.
I’m using a iPhone 8 (still) but my SO is using a iphone 15 with the same issues.

i signed up with the beta to see if that changes anything.