Nuki 3.0 Pro Connectivity Issues with MQTT Broker on Home Assistant

Something new? its quite crucial
If we can revert to previous version it will be good

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same here
can we downgrade version ?

something new ? any progress ?

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Using 3 pro with HA and mosquitto broker, my MQTT disconnects every hour or so, fails to reconnect, even though wifi connection to lock works fine. I have 130+ mqtt devices all working fine throughout the house, some next to the lock. Joining the party wanting to try a downgraded firmware or available to help test a fix.

it’s been a while since then , and nothing have changed.
im in the beta 3.8.1 and still getting disconnections from the mqtt broker.
what’s going on ?

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fix it or give us ability to return to any firmware we want
it’s was pricey and i have bought 2 nukis and 2 keypads…
it’s crucial.



I also use MQTT connect from three Nuki 3 Pro to Home Assistant (HA) via the guest network of AVM FritzBoxes.

Since some weeks the locks tend to become unavailable at random times. Sometimes they come back available, sometimes they stay offline for HA. All the time the locks themselves work fine using the Nuki app, Nuki web or the button.

Reconnecting to MQTT via the admin menu then again is difficult, most times it will not work directly or even only after powering off the lock.

This is really annoying for any use in automation scenarios. Thus I fully agree to the predecessors’ wishes to fix the problem soon.


I have the same problem. I have unifi ap and mosquitto mqtt over home assistanr os

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The last update 3.8.2 fix the problem
Thanks !

@Aviv_Simhi How did you get 3.8.2? I have 3.7.7 despite having automatic updates in place.

join to beta program

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The version 3.8.2 beta still has connectivity problems for time to time
less than 3.8.1 or 3.7.7 but still happens

Thank you very much for reporting the beta software’s status. Bad to hear that the problem seems to remain… When after the next stable software update the MQTT integration will still be so unreliable one can only suggest to do without MQTT. This would really be sad as the MQTT approach basically is a very good one.

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I could extract some lines of the Mosquitto broker log. They show what happens when two of my Nuki locks suddenly became unavailable:
2024-02-21 11:03:36: Client SL3P_2Cxxxxxx has exceeded timeout, disconnecting. [...] 2024-02-21 11:08:54: Client SL3P_2Fxxxxxx has exceeded timeout, disconnecting.
Later then one of the locks signaled its status again:
2024-02-21 11:24:33: New connection from on port 1883. 2024-02-21 11:24:33: New client connected from as SL3P_2B84AF74 (p2, c1, k300, u'username').
Just to give a small hint what the problem might be. The reason for the sudden timeout as well as the spontaneous reconnection remain unclear, of course.

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Any update on that topic?
I have 4 Pro happens also, ~2-3 hours after reconnecting,
I use EMQX as MQTT Broker and message in logs is bit more detailed with the reason:

msg: dropped_qos2_packet, mfa: emqx_session:drop_qos2_msg/3, line: 393, peername: 192.168.X.X:Y, clientid: Nuki_REDACTED, topic: nuki/REDACTED/lockActionEvent, packet_id: 44921, reason: packet_identifier_inuse


same issue with firmware 4.1.8 on nuki 3, I have these big gaps of hours where the device becomes unreachable by homeassistant

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Again had to reset the mqtt connection, it took 5 consecutive attempts for the device to finally re-connect, is anyone actually looking into it? Its so flacky its beyond useless

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You are posting in a Smart Lock 3.0 thread. There is a seperate topic for 4th gen and yes, there have been many changes in recent betas:

There are still problems with the MQTT connection.
The Wifi connection is stable, I use ubiquiti AP’s

After my weekly update and restart of Homeassistant and MQTT Broker, my locks become unavailable in Homeassistant.
24h later they are still unavailable.

Locks are on version 3.8.7

After I re-entered the MQTT password in the mqtt settings, the entries in homeassistant/lock/… were published again and the locks were available in Homeassistant


And like it is always at Nuki if you have Problems… Nothing real helpful happens.
Since Months I have Problems with my Android Phone to simply open the Nuki if i am at my Door.
About 1 Year ago the Nuki worked fine in that case with older Firmware!
To me it feels like with every new Version there are more Bugs than it would be an Improvement!