Nuki 2.0 Bluetooth API documentation


thanks for creating this space to interact with you guys. Nuki is a great device and I think this platform will be an excellent space for new ideas, collaboration with users to integrate Nuki into new systems and to build new features.

I am currently building an extensive Node.js SDK to interact with Nuki for developers. The provided Bluetooth documentation has been great. Now, has the API version been upgraded in the latest firmware for Nuki 2.0 to reflect the new door sensor? If yes, will the updated documentation be available any time soon? If no, how can we read the status of the door sensor with the provided commands?

Thanks guys for your awesome product and your support.

Best Regards,

An updated Bluetooth API documentation 2.0 is already in the works, but I can’t give you a concrete release date yet.

In general: Everything in the current Bluetooth API documentation is still valid for Smart Lock 2.0. Updates to new commands and error codes will be included in the new documentation.

Hey Stephan,

Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to it!

Best Regards,

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And it is here! :wink:

See: Nuki Smart Lock API v.2.0

So as you see in the changelog in fact I did make a wrong statement last week:

In general: Everything in the current Bluetooth API documentation is still valid for Smart Lock 2.0.

Log system did change and wasn’t yet reflected correctly in the last version of the API document. I hope this doesn’t cause you any trouble.

You could contribute to, which is my first version of such a node.js based SDK. Or you take it as a reference for your implementation.

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Any idea if nukible works with V2? In a python implementation, I saw that pairing no longer works for v2. I don’t have a bluetooth stick atm, so cannot try it yet…

I’m sorry for being not able to give an answer here, because I don’t have a V2 Nuki Smartlock.

I just saw that the pi zero, which I have lying around, has bluetooth so I will try it this weekend and post feedback over here

Unfortunately I cannot get it to work, not sure if this is related to V2 or my hardware is failing on me. I’ve opened an issue on github