Nachtmodus per HTTP aktivieren

Guten Tag!
Ist es möglich den neuen Nachtmodus nicht per vordefiniertem Zeitfenster sondern per HTTP zu aktivieren/deaktivieren?


No, this is not possible. You can only activate and deactivate it via App (as a “set and forget” feature) for a set time-frame.
What would be your idea behind triggering it via API?

In my smarthome I also have a night-mode. If I activate the smartlock will be locked. So I thought it would be nice to activate the night mode of the smartlock instead of only locking it. Because you wrote that this will also activate a time save mode.


I have the same configuration. For the night mode on our Loxone Smarthome i want also to add the night mode for the Nuki as it safe energy and the door is closed two times.

That means i can also activate the night mode when i leave the house so it will be then closed properly. Would be also nice to separete the mode where it close the door 1x or 2x.
When i‘m at home i activate precence without night mode and nuki just close it once and will be then not in the night mode. When night mode from Loxone is also active with presence, the door will close twice and will be in the night mode with energy saving.

If that will be implemented the opener can be fully integrated into Loxone and is also a smart additional tool.

Rgds Dani


Please create a feature request for this. The proper function needed is “manual activation and deactivation of the Night Mode” and exposing this over the HTTP-API.

Stephan mentioned already that the night mode can currently only be turned on and off automatically within a certain time window.

Please vote!


Great idea.I would need this function too.