MQTT Automatic reconnect, force publishing

Yes, of course it would make sense. There is no strategic reason not to have it. We also understand and see the need, but unfortunately this is not an easy change but a rather massive rewrite of the whole connect / reconnect logic which needs thorough testing too. As you correctly pointed out human resources are not infinite and as we love our very technically aware users, they do not represent more than a single digit percentage of our whole user base (The ones that have a problem that the Smart Lock still synchronises its time and loads firmware updates from Nuki servers is again a subset of them).

Therefore i keep reiterating to vote for the corresponding feature request. The more votes the more visibility. And there is a reason why there is one vote per user. Writing the same stuff 100s of times across all possible threads by the same few people here in the forum does not increase the awareness. It just polutes the forum and disctracts.