MQTT API Specification v1.4

no ACL at this level (if you mean access control list). I just started to play with it 10 days ago - it was not working (disconnection after command) - I wrote here some new topic, but nobody responded to that for 10 days. Yesterday, I gave that a second try: lock was not calibrated so I calibrated it, connect it to MQTT, sent the command and it worked fo r 5 times. I was super happy, that I solved the problem. I started to test marginal scenarios like server disconnection and reconnections (how long will it take to reconnect). But after single reconnection it stopped working again. I wrote to support via Nuki App - no response for 24 hrsā€¦

So I am pretty sure, that command is constructed according specification - as it was working for a while.
I forgot to mention, that lock had fw 3.7.2 Beta - yesterday. Today I have upgdraded it to 3.7.3 Beta - but no difference. My concert here is also with the Beta word. Iā€™d like to have some stable fw in there.

I havenā€™t looked at the topic but itā€™s not the best place to discuss this. Iā€™ve found your other post, so I suggest going over it and closing this aside in this post.

Sure, no problem - lets go there.

Shouldnā€™t this not be considered a bug, just like on the regular bridge? Bridge HTTP-API only sporadically reachable when no internet connection is avaiable (firmware 2.4.21) - #32 by Raimund_Scheiber

Btw, there is a feature request now. Which feels strange, since on the bridge it has been processed as a bug.

Hello Christian, I see you are probably a Loxone user.
Could you give me a hint how to create the udp output to manage the lock?
I actually bought a smartlock 4.0 pro
Thanks in advance

Iā€™m using the ioBroker MQTT Broker to read the data from Nuki. Unfortunately the lockActionEvent does not contain anything readable. It seems there is an error in the format Nuki is transmitting this value so the broker cannot interpretate the array as array (instead itā€™s interpretated as binary)

Thereā€™s a full topic about this on github:

Basically the raw data of this object looks like this:
if you look careful you can see the third backslash looks weird

Unfortunately (for you) that seems to be an ioBroker problem, because the mqtt data is exactly coming in like described in the api specs in the first post.
You may install a mqtt sniffer (Mqtt Explorer or mqtt.fx or whatever) and see the raw data:

1,172,0,0,0 (Example from my SL3P, connected to openHAB, read from MQTT Explorer)

Then compare that to the api docs:

Unlatch via Keypad with
Auth-ID 54321 from Code-ID

Maybe developers can point us to some hints how encoding the data sent for iobroker.mqtt adapter.
In mosquitto i can see following data:
Received PUBLISH from Nuki_xxxxxxxxx (d0, q2, r0, m59102, 'nuki/xxxxxxxxxx/lockActionEvent', ... (14 bytes))
In MQTT Explorer i can see correct conversion:
on ioBroker i see som Escape Sequences: ( kind of wrong encoding? )


Why are only some of the available MQTT topics created in HomeAssistant upon autodiscovery? Especially ā€œstateā€ would be very interesting as one could trigger an automation in HomeAssistant if the SmartLock is locked. (e.g. enable surveillance cam recording in Frigate)

Hi Elronzo, state is published.

alias: Nuki lock state notification
description: ā€œā€

  • platform: state
    • lock.entree
      condition: []
  • if:
    • condition: device
      device_id: d2280
      domain: lock
      entity_id: dc21d9
      type: is_locked
    • service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
      message: Nuki locked
      alias: locked
      mode: single

So you can activate recording via a mqtt publish to your frigate (I do that).

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Is it true that the Nuki MQTT integration wonā€™t work if the Nuki cloud is not reachable? I am reading this here and there but hope that this is not true. Or is it only the case when using a Nuki bridge?

(SmartLock 4 Pro user, Firmware version: 4.1.8)

False, mqtt is working without cloud (Nuki Web)

maybe, after initialisation. But for activating mqtt, internet connection is a must haveā€¦

I can live with that as the initial setup also requires the app.