Hello All!
is there a chart available about the functionallity what works if I connect and want to have remote acces to several Smartlocks Pro 4.Gen via Apple Hub (HomePod mini) via Thread?
Is it possible to remote lock/unlock?
is it possible to open? Open door latch?
Is it possible to send access codes to the connected keypad? Delete, modify codes?
have informationa about charge status? Notifications withhin low charge level?
Have information about door status of the connected door sensor?
To enable/disable continuous mode of the connected opener?
What functionality else is available?
If functionality is available: what hub device is best to connect the SL (Apple, Google, Other?) Ideal is a device which provides Android App and iOS App support. Since I have the experience that sometime Nuki App on iOS is more stable then Android and vice versa I use both smartphones.
I failed to connect the SL via eero 6 via Matter and before I buy another device I want to go sure whats possible.
thanks so far.
Which hub works best for Matter remote access the Nuki?
I bought eero and I did not get a connection since the eero app does not accept Matter codes.
Apple home is only iOS - is there a hub which offers both? iOS and Android app support?
From the chart you provided it is only Apple Hubs which support remote access - correct? Are they all featured the same for matter - thread connection?
I do need only hub for matter connection, no use for any other service.
The reason why I want matter connection is to avoid the wifi connection for a more stable and less power consuming connection.