Please make it an Option so I can set longer Pins for the keypad. Just give me double the length so 12 instead of 6 numbers in that way it would still match with the LED’s on the keypad.
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I don’t get the PIN philosophy of Nuki anyways. Not adding a zero so “nobody uses a birthdate”. Well it keeps an additional digit away, which usually helps making guessing harder and just fyi: not every birthday contains a zero…
Also exactly 6 digits: It’s not for everyone. I would not prefer 12 either, just let me pick something between 4 and … I don’t know/care. It’s my PIN, it’s my door, it’s my apartment/house and I should be able to secure it as I prefer it.
I hope the new keypad next year resolves those issues. Even though, hopefully PIN is used even less with homekey etc.
Ye its kinda wreid how they try to force certain things in the pin and don’t allow us to use a different length or a 0