Keypad: Notification of Wrong code attempts (bridge needed)

Product name

For which NUKI product do you want to submint a feature request?
Nuki Keypad


Quick summary what this request is about.
Notify if someone tries a wrong code on the keypad with a pushmessage


Detailed description of desired features.
If someone tries to open the door by guessing the access code, this is recorded in the log.
It would be even better if a push message could appear on the connected phone so you could take action


Why is this feature needed?
Added security


How would you like to use this feature?
List all usecases you can think of!

Disable entry codes for a while if you see someone tries to guess a code.

It’s already there from what I can see in my log. :slight_smile:

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True, I see it also, did check it before and did not see it, maybe it was not in an earlyer firmware or I just am blind (probably the last one) I’ll change the request because I would like to be notified. So a notification on the screen would be helpfull.



and what about push notification? it would be very gut to take action if somebody trying to
get code.

thank you

At least on iOS, I do get a notification.

It would be interesting which code has been tried. So you can see if somone randomly tries to get in or uses a specific one. Also a notification of a user having a code but wants to access out of permission times would be nice. And if there have been more then 5 wrong attempts the keypad should be disabled for at least some time.

Product name

For which NUKI product do you want to submint a feature request?
Nuki Keypad


Quick summary what this request is about.
Notify if someone tries a wrong code on the keypad with a pushmessage


Detailed description of desired features.
If someone tries to open the door by guessing the access code, this is recorded in the log.
It would be even better if a push message could appear on the connected phone so you could take action


Why is this feature needed?
Added security


How would you like to use this feature?
List all usecases you can think of!

Disable entry codes for a while if you see someone tries to guess a code.

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@Holla I merged your extended version here.

notifications are good but I don’t want to be locked out of my house because someone played with my keypad ! or maybe we need to :

  1. activate or deactivate the option
  2. be able to put how much delay before we can use it again
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