Hi everyone,
I developed an app & drivers to integrate the Bridge/Lock/Opener into the Hubitat hub Nuki Hubitat Integration source at GitHub.
So far it’s working fine at my own home but - always a but, ins’t it? - now I’m revising the integration to use it in a AirBnB that I’ll automate and I’m introducing new features so it would be more robust - and more professional, of course.
One of those new features is to monitor the Keypad battery status, creating a new driver type to monitor it - actually, it’s all it will do (for now) is to monitor the battery. This way, the user could be warned if the Keypad battery status becomes critical.
So, checking the API documentation I saw that there is a return value from the /list command, that includes the Keypad battery critical status ( keypadBatteryCritical). However, the /list command is not returning it, even when there’s a Keypad paired to the Lock.
The json returned:
{deviceType:4, nukiId:799636980, name:TvCarmo10-R/C, firmwareVersion:3.3.5, lastKnownState:{mode:2, state:255, stateName:undefined, batteryCritical:true, timestamp:2022-06-05T20:59:47+00:00}}
Am I doing something wrong?
Additionally, I don’t know if the keypadBatteryCritical return value would be present only if there’s a Keypad paired. This way I could determine if there’s a Keypad and act accordingly.
Thanks in advance!