Keypad code not working

Hello Nuki Team,
we are facing issue with Code not working after generated via web api for a booking from website.
some code works some don’t .

after searching for Nuki Develops I found this thread : How to format date - #5 by poonam.chavan

Then Checked the Door Code via API and saw the timezone ID is different for each Smartlock
Mostly it’s 37 and 10, for 37 I found that it’s Berlin Timezone.
what is 10 ?

our smart locks are in Saint Barthélemy, the timezone is GMT-4 for this time.

is this the reason why the code does not work, if yes then what is the solution for this

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Hello there :wave:

10 is the time zone ID for “America/Manaus”, which is UTC -4, so this is presumably the correct one for your implementation. I’d recommend setting all of your Smartlocks to use this time zone; you can do that within the settings for the individual Smartlock from your smartphone.

Hopefully that will fix the issue.

Here is a list of supported time zones in case anybody else runs into this issue.

Time Zone ID Name
0 Africa/Cairo
1 Africa/Lagos
2 Africa/Maputo
3 Africa/Nairobi
4 America/Anchorage
5 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
6 America/Chicago
7 America/Denver
8 America/Halifax
9 America/Los_Angeles
10 America/Manaus
11 America/Mexico_City
12 America/New_York
13 America/Phoenix
14 America/Regina
15 America/Santiago
16 America/Sao_Paulo
17 America/St_Johns
18 Asia/Bangkok
19 Asia/Dubai
20 Asia/Hong_Kong
21 Asia/Jerusalem
22 Asia/Karachi
23 Asia/Kathmandu
24 Asia/Kolkata
25 Asia/Riyadh
26 Asia/Seoul
27 Asia/Shanghai
28 Asia/Tehran
29 Asia/Tokyo
30 Asia/Yangon
31 Australia/Adelaide
32 Australia/Brisbane
33 Australia/Darwin
34 Australia/Hobart
35 Australia/Perth
36 Australia/Sydney
37 Europe/Berlin
38 Europe/Helsinki
39 Europe/Istanbul
40 Europe/London
41 Europe/Moscow
42 Pacific/Auckland
43 Pacific/Guam
44 Pacific/Honolulu
45 Pacific/Pago_Pago
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Thank you replying,
I will update the timezone id using API and then Test code again, hopefully this fix my issues,

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