Keypad battery draining

It started all after latest firmware installation into Keypad, (two keypads updated, second is ok), started to drain batteries quite fast, im using still same 2032 with 230mAh lithium and they are completely dead now in 4 days. Any ideas what to try? Btw, i had to buy new 2032 so in the meantime i gave it 2025s…2 days and dead…

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Please contact our support via the Nuki App (Menu > Help > Contact Customer Support) or Support Form - Nuki for direct help on your issue, as this may need further investigation for a possible replacement.

This forum is focused on developer related issues.

Ok, thank you, i have ordered Energizer Ultimate 2032 cells and if it does not help, i will contact support…

I have the same issue. Keypad batteries draining after 3-4 days. Was this solved for you?

Replace for new one…

Me too, I’m wondering if it’s solved as well and how…! Kind regards