(Markus Krüger)
April 1, 2022, 7:04pm
I have an issue with my Homebridge plugin that seems to execute unlock/unlatch/lock twice from the Home App. Anyone else having this issue? I ask this here, to check if anyone else has this issue, hopefully even using the native HomeKit implementation. It seems to have occurred after upgrading to 15.4.
(Markus Krüger)
July 17, 2022, 9:28pm
Here are some more details:
opened 10:56AM - 23 Jun 22 UTC
Hallo Markus,
vorab vielen Dank für Dein Plugin. Es erleichtert unseren Alltag … ungemein. Ich habe in 2 Häusern seit einiger Zeit das gleiche Problem: Wenn ich über Homekit oder Homebridge öffne ("unlatch"), öffnet Nuki die Tür 2 Mal direkt hintereinander. Hast Du einen Tipp für mich, woran das liegen könnte?
Vielen Dank & Grüße,
[23/06/2022, 12:41:19] [homebridge-nukiio] Request to Nuki bridge '' finished with status code '200' and body '{"success": true, "batteryCritical": false, "batteryCharging": false, "batteryChargeState": 42}'. null
[23/06/2022, 12:41:19] [homebridge-nukiio] HomeKit state change complete.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:20] [homebridge-nukiio] Process lock action '3' for Nuki lock '74763181' (instance id '0') on Nuki bridge ''.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:20] [homebridge-nukiio] Send request to Nuki bridge '' on '/lockAction' with '{"nukiId":"74763181","deviceType":0,"action":"3","token":"36586"}'.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:20] [homebridge-nukiio] HomeKit change for door latch back to locked state complete.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:26] [homebridge-nukiio] [INFO Nuki WebHook Server] Updated lock state from webhook to isLocked = 'false' (Nuki state '5' ) for lock '74763181' (instance id '0') with batteryCritical = 'false', battery charging = 'false', battery charge state = '42', contactClosed = 'true' and mode = '2', ringactionState = 'false'.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:26] [homebridge-nukiio] HomeKit state change by webhook complete. New isLocked = 'false' and batteryCritical = 'false', battery charging = 'false', battery charge state = '42' and contactClosed = 'true'.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:28] [Haustür Öffnen] locking Haustür Öffnen 1
[23/06/2022, 12:41:28] [Haustür Öffnen] 1 Haustür Öffnen
[23/06/2022, 12:41:28] [homebridge-nukiio] Request to Nuki bridge '' finished with status code '200' and body '{"success": true, "batteryCritical": false, "batteryCharging": false, "batteryChargeState": 42}'. null
[23/06/2022, 12:41:28] [homebridge-nukiio] HomeKit state change complete.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:29] [homebridge-nukiio] HomeKit change for door latch back to locked state complete.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:30] [Haustür Öffnen] locking Haustür Öffnen 1
[23/06/2022, 12:41:30] [Haustür Öffnen] 1 Haustür Öffnen
[23/06/2022, 12:41:38] [homebridge-nukiio] [INFO Nuki WebHook Server] Updated lock state from webhook to isLocked = 'false' (Nuki state '3' ) for lock '74763181' (instance id '0') with batteryCritical = 'false', battery charging = 'false', battery charge state = '42', contactClosed = 'true' and mode = '2', ringactionState = 'false'.
[23/06/2022, 12:41:38] [homebridge-nukiio] HomeKit state change by webhook complete. New isLocked = 'false' and batteryCritical = 'false', battery charging = 'false', battery charge state = '42' and contactClosed = 'true'.