iOS 15 Home Key

Maybe a hardware addon like the keypad could make the NFC hardware available to existing Nuki 2.0 locks. Apart from that, I don’t see why it shouldn’t work


Any update on this since iOS 15 drops tomorrow? Let’s hope they can add it! Or if a homebridge plugin could add it…

No. Apple hasn’t released a HomeKeys spec to developers (i.e. not everyone can use it) and everything else is under NDA (i.e. you won’t hear anything from anyone involved until something is officially announced).

Buy a cheap NFC tag, attach it to your door, connect it via the Shortcuts-app to open the door is nearly the same experience right?



HomeKeys is - most likely - easier to set up (= something that non techies can do) and works on the Apple watch too.


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Any news regarding HomeKeys? Will it be possible to use this with the Nuki Smart Lock 3.0?
Or will it need further changes within the hardware?

I’d also like to know. I’m not sure whether I should wait for the new hardware update because of this or buy Nuki 3.0


Thanks for sharing. That feature is blocking me of buying a Nuki.
First one that has this feature will be my future lock :slight_smile:


I won’t buy a Nuki smart lock neither until it gets Apple Home Keys with Express Mode.

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I see two issues of the NFC tag + Shortcut vs Apple Home Key:

  1. There is no Express Mode, hence no power reserve when the iPhone has ran out of battery.
  2. I don’t know if Apple policy has changed wrt to security devices (that includes smart locks) but last time I checked it was impossible to simply unlock a door through an automation without answering a security prompt before. That means unlocking the phone, touching the notification and validate the warning is mandatory in this case, killing all the benefits of the simple swipe gesture of the iPhone in front of the lock with no need to even awake it.

PS: In my memory there was some hack allowing to bypass the security notification that prevents such complete automation, using a dummy HomeKit smart plug as a middle man to trick HomeKit by hiding the security nature of the script, but this again adds cost and complexity comparing to Apple Home Keys.

Cut to the Chase : is it planned soon?


Yes! Please!!

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The feature is on the road map now ?

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I would love it ;)))


No it’s not :confused:

They’re implementing things, but priorities are wrong, right now there might be a fingerprint and stuff, but no matter, no home key plans yet :frowning:

(Article is written in German :de:)


And I would buy a new Nuki if it supports this!

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Liebes Nuki Team,

Ich bin auf der Suche meine Schlüssel endlich los zu werden. Das Apple HomeKey ist der erste Ansatz, der für mich Interessant ist, da hiermit auch die Apple Watch mit Express Mode unterstützt wird. Daher bin ich derselben Meinung wie flux_copacitor. Nuki wird erst interessant für mich, wenn

  1. Express Mode mit Home Key ermöglicht wird
  2. Ein NFC-fähiger Sensor/Keypad mit Home Key Integration erhältlich wird, mit dem ein Summer/Buzzer zum Beispiel via Nuki Opener angesteuert werden kann

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn beides von Nuki in Zukunft unterstützt beziehungsweise entwickelt wird.

Viele Grüße!


I’ve installed the new keypad today and… I can see why the Nuki team did focus on fingerprint/faster electronics rather than trying to fight Apple on their HomeKey requirements.

The only reason why I would have loved HomeKey is speed. My lock auto-unlocks when I approach the door and that’s super fast but sometimes you just leave the apartment without leaving the geofence and… you either take your phone out and unlock the door (takes 20 seconds or more) or you use a pincode on the keypad (10 seconds-ish). HomeKey would have been faster in both cases (assuming you have your phone handy).

Keypad 2.0 solves it for me. It unlocks the door in around 2-3 seconds which is quicker than any other options. I can still share codes rather than sharing HomeKeys so that’s the same functionality. Cost wise…well… the new keypad is not cheap but it’s sooooo fast. Honestly, I don’t see a single use case where HomeKey would have been better. If someone has a use case, please post it on here so we can help the team design towards it.

Until then, kudos Nuki team for the Keypad 2.0.


Thanks for posting this, as I was wondering how quick the keypad would be. I suppose many will have been hoping for a similar experience in terms of speed, but without spending the (significant) price of the keypad.

Also I can’t help but think the keypad is a missed opportunity to have implemented an externally mounted device to add home key capability.