Integration with lodgify

Product name

For which NUKI product do you want to submit a feature request?
Integration with Lodgify


Quick summary what this request is about.
I’d like to have a connection between the lodgify channel manager and NUKI


Detailed description of desired features.
Nuki should send an automatic message with the access to the lock via email to the guests staying at the house. Like Airbnb already uses it.


Why is this feature needed?
Because there are bookings from different sources and I need to send the codes manually unless people book via Airbnb which is usually not the case.


How would you like to use this feature?
List all usecases you can think of!
People book, two days before they arrive they get a code to open the door. This code is only active during the stay. So from check-in to checkout.
Every user gets a unique code.

Hello Nikolaus,
Thanks for the request, we will keep a tab on the votes.
Our business teams are already in touch with Lodify but we cannot comment more on the integration as of now.

Is there any update? I would like to have the integration as well.



Could you please provide your vote for the feature?
Sorry we do not have a statement yet, it is still on our roadmap.

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Any updates on this feature request?


Most of the votes are on the lodgify roadmap.
70 people have voted until today.
Best regards!


Hello, any update regarding the NUKI integration with Lodgify ? It a very awaited feature. Thanks :pray:

According to Lodgify they’re working on a Smart lock Management System incorporating all major smart lock companies.

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