Hello George
I forgot to tell you that the notifications of the opener do not work any.
Thank you
Hello Michel,
did you activate push notifications as described here https://nuki.io/en/blog/nuki-news/nuki-summer-update-2019/?
Best regards
Sorry but there is problem with ringing notification. In my case only works with intercom off.
Hello George
I have tried with the configuration that you have sent me for the suppression of the bell and it does not work, it does not even detect the intercom pulsation, and logically it does not open either.
What is clear that in my computer the cable that sends is blue, L, not positive +. I have tried to exchange the configuration that you have sent me between blue and red and neither, nor even opened.
I have been 2 hours and I have not achieved it, so I left it as I had it yesterday that at least it opened, but it has cost me a lot to also make it work, doing factory reset several times and putting the pin.
You’ll tell me when you do the lab tests.
Thank you
Dear all,
I have old model Fermax City max Ads and I have to change it because it’s broken.
Cod : 94163b
Ref 24517
3 wires connection - and L and +
I order new one from Amazon.
Fermax Universal
Cod: 97397c
Ref: 3399
The problem I have only 3 wires, and the new one have input 6 4 3 2 1
Where I should connect the 3 wires I had.
Please let me know if you can help, and if no
Solution for the connection please let me know
Were I can find like the old model I had.
Best regards
Dear Georg,
I have old model Fermax City max Ads and I have to change it because it’s broken.
Cod : 94163b
Ref 24517
3 wires connection - and L and +
I order new one from Amazon.
Fermax Universal
Cod: 97397c
Ref: 3399
The problem I have only 3 wires, and the new one have input 6 4 3 2 1
Where I should connect the 3 wires I had.
Please let me know if you can help me , and if no
Solution for the connection please let me know
Were I can find like the old model I had.
I’m living in Austria
Best regards
Hi Abouchaar,
you got the wrong model. The one you chose is a 4+N analog system. you have to buy this one: Fermax 3390
Best regards
Hola Michael encantado.
Tengo el
Mismo interfono que tu.
Lograste hacerlo funcionar?
Te lo agradeceria muchisimo si me ayudaras.
Un saludo
Ya lo tienes funcionando!
can you share the knowledge? I’m trying to connect 8032 which is an analogue model with VDS.
Hi Jimmy. Juz read your posting. Did u manage to get your opener to work for lift access?? I tink I have the same intercomm as yours
Finally works? In my case I’ve tried everything, with no success Wich one is the right configuration left or right? with witch of profile: Generic Bus (Generic). Thank you!
Hi George, i have the FERMAX 3390 and can’t make it work. First it was detecting when ai pressed the open and the ring buttons but not opening the door, now it’s saying that the installation does not comply with the standard. I have reset to factory settings several times and nothing.
Hi! Have you a Foto of the wiring, I think I can help you!
Please check your wiring. It seems to be a connectivity issue.
Hola George
A ver si me puedes tu ayudar o pasarlo a algún compañero.
Estoy teniendo problemas con las reglas creadas en IFTTT, han funcionado bien hasta hace 15 días. He probado a eliminarlas y volverlas a crear y continúan fallando.
Thanks for the help. Now it’s working perfectly.
In the end I didn’t remove any wiring I had made on the intercom, I just made sure they were all properly attached. What I did was remove the multicolor wire from the opener for some minutes and then tried the configuration again and this time it worked.
I’ll show the pics of the original and after wiring in case it helps.
Hey , i have similar intercom trying to connect , and on nuki shows 6 ports i need connect in your picture from what i can see please let me know if i something is wrong , you connect Yellow cable from your intercom to opened box , Then green and Orange cable in to Yellow cable place , black cable from opener you connected with black cable from intercom , purple and blue cables you left loose and yellow and red cable from opener you connected in to opener interchange box
Thats correct or i missed something ?
Buenas a todos, tengo el Fermax VEO XL 9468
Saben si es compatible? no consigo la manera de conectarlo. Gracias de antemano