HELP! Auto Unlock Speed for iPhone

Hi, does anyone have any new information? I’m also waiting for a feature at Apple - Auto Unlock Speed.
Please any advice - I live in an apartment building on the first floor. The lock unlocks at the entrance to the main entrance of the building.

I had the problem that the Nuki already opened when I entered the house. I also live in the first floor. So I set the “Haltedauer Falle” to 30 seconds. This gives me enough time to climb the steps and being able to open the flat door by just pushing it …

I have an iPhone and I think this can only be set on Android? Or am i wrong?

You ARE wrong … you can find it in the Administration settings …

Help … I can’t find it :frowning:

Marko from the Nuki Support told me there is a “hidden/easteregg” feature in the Nuki App which reduces the sensitivity from the auto unlock!

So it opens later, not 2 floors away…

Exactly what i needed and it looks like you might need it as well… :wink:

Was das Auto Unlock betrifft, wurde eine ähnliche Option realisiert!
Bitte gehe wie folgt vor:
Stelle dich mit deinem Handy in der gewünschten Distanz zum Smart Lock auf, wenn es Auto Unlock ausführen soll
Gehe in deiner Nuki App in den Verbindungsstatus (Meine Geräte verwalten > Smart Lock > Wähle dein Smart Lock > Verbindungsstatus)
Tippe oben rechts auf “i”
Tippe jetzt 7x auf Verbindung via Bluetooth. Merke dir den angezeigten RSSI-Wert.

Wähle jetzt Meine Geräte verwalten > Smart Lock > Wähle dein Smart Lock > Smart Actions (Auto Unlock) > Auto Unlock Einstellungen > Experteneinstellungen > RSSI Threshold
Sollte diese Option nicht angezeigt sein, bitte ich dich, siebenmal auf den Text oben zu tippen, dann wird der RSSI Threshold angezeigt.
Gebe den RSSI-Wert, den du dir vorher gemerkt hast hier ein.



Hi Erich,

Thank you very much for your help and advice. I report that zu works !!


What about Android users? I am able to read the rssi value, but there is no field to add it to within smart lock expert settings.

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Was this option removed from the expert settings? I can’t find it and also with 7x clicking there doesn’t appear this option. Any help would be great as this makes me crazy :sweat_smile:

Thanks in advance