Google Home Public Preview - Nuki integration broken

I have Nuki Smart Lock ultra and in the process of setting it up I ran into issue with Google Home integration. I could add my Nuki to Google Home but after executing lock/unlock command Google Home would be stuck (spinning circle). Lock/unlock commands were actually executed but the status of the lock was never updated. Google Home also did not update locked/unlocked status when locking/unlocking operations were done outside of Google Home. Because I was running Public Preview version of Google Home I’ve decided to leave Public Preview and Nuki integration is working perfectly. I joined the Google Home Preview again and it breaks.

I tried to report it to Google but that option is not working for me. Nothing happens when I select the option to leave feedback. I thought I would mention it here. Perhaps Nuki developers have a better channel to report the issue to Google. I hope this gets fixed before Preview version is released.

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Thank you for reporting this. We’ll forward it through our contacts to Google.

Thank you! I hope Google will address it.

BTW, one cool new feature in Google Home Public Preview version is that you can save the PIN for one-click unlocking, which is something that I struggled with in the current version. I think others had issues with this as well.