General questions

Hello guys, I have a few general questions about Nuki, first I’ll briefly explain what I want to use it for, namely I have a large system with several doors and have a lot of customers who should be able to go into different rooms at different times, now my first question : If a user is allowed to enter a certain room from 8:00 to 9:00, does he need 2 auths? or can I update his existing auth after 9 a.m.? What about the auth codes that users receive in general? Can I also give users access rights without sending this code by email? Or do they always receive a new code for each new auth that they then have to enter in the app? Would it perhaps be smarter to handle everything via keypad codes in my case? I hope someone here can help me, thanks in advance and kind regards

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One “user” can have only one auth per lock. As Nuki App users do not create a login, everytime you create a new auth, they have to add it manually to the App (i.e. an email with an invite code is sent to them).

If you update an auth, it will be updated in the lock immediately, which means that the change is also effective immediately. So yes, you can update the timestamp of an auth whenever you want and it will have an immediate effect. You can also disable & enable locking for an auth and not even work with timestamps at all. Only drawback of this is that you can not alter the auth if the lock goes/is offline/unreachable.

They can be redeemed in the App for a certain time period (1 day) and give the user a permanent, secure channel to talk with a lock, either via BLE or internet. The added lock shows up in the users App and the user can send lock commands through it and see the locks state according to the rights you associate to the auth (remote access, start/end date, timewindows, enable/disable locking). When an auth tries to access a lock, the lock checks the rights and decides what this auth is allowed to do. The App does not have knowledge of the assigned rights and just notices it based on the return codes it gets for sent commands.

No, but as written above you can alter the rights an auth has at any time. There will be no email sent out for altering an auth and users won’t be notified about the change of their rights.

Using Keypad codes is generally easier if you have many temporary guests as they do not need to install an App in this case. You can also assign the same code to several doors, which might also be easier in some scenarios. If your users use the Nuki App and you have many doors, people will have many doors in the Nuki App and need to choose the right one, when they are in front of it, which is not as convenient as using the same code everywhere.

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Hello Jürgen First of all, thank you for the quick answer,
I would like to do it in such a way that I (as you described) constantly update the auth of users, the problem is only when I set a new auth for a user I get an empty response back, I don’t want to have to load all the auths every time then to filter out a single id, is there currently no response from the server with the auth id when I initially set an auth for a user? I also need this auth ID to update users’ auth if I have interpreted the documentation on swagger correctly, best regards

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Hi Raphael,

The API does not return a response body as it operates asynchronously. To obtain updates after you perform actions, we recommend using our Webhooks.

To gain access to our webhooks, you’ll need to enable the “Advanced API”. To do so, log in to your Nuki Web account and navigate to the “API” menu. There you’ll find a tab for the Advanced API where you can request access. After access has been granted, you’ll be able to start using webhooks.

You’ll also find a link to the Webhook documentation here.

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