When the Opener loses connection to the NUKI servers (because of internet down, power loss of bridge, NUKI servers unreachable, etc.), it shall switch to an Emergency mode (permanent Ring-to-Open) until internet is available again.
This should be an opt-in feature, meaning there needs to be an additional switch to activate/de-activate in setting for those users that want this emergency mode.
I have sh*tty internet service where I live. So sometimes internet connection is lost. Opener connects to Bridge, but Bridge cannot connect to NUKI servers anymore.
This connection is crucial to open door through the app when outside Bluetooth range, though.
Also, Opener cannot activate Ring-to-Open as it’s unaware, I returned back into geolocation.
Users that live in areas with sub-prime infrastructure or sub-prime internet providers may get locked out and have no option to get inside with NUKI.
Ok, internet connection drops while I’m outside with my doggo.
Opener realizes it cannot reach NUKI servers anymore.
Opener activates an “Emergency mode”, meaning permanent Ring-to-Open, a reliable fallback mode in case infrastructure fails.
I return home, ring the bell, Opener buzzes me in.
Other use case:
Connection fails, Opener activates Emergency mode.
Internet comes back up before I return, Emergency mode ist automatically ended and original settings are back up.
MASSIVE upvote on this! We nearly didn’t get into the apartment tonight because a series of unrelated mishaps. Yesterday I unplugged the Bridge to charge my laptop in the living room, which I never do. Then I decided I wanted to turn Wifi Auto Off mode on again to switch it off at night. Then today I left the apartment and accidentally left my keys, then my wife, I and our baby decided to stay longer at some friends and only got home at 1am.
We drive into the garage and I realise my keys arn’t in the car. I walk up to the apartment entrance (lucky we have ground floor and the Nuki and door are 5m away behind a glass apartment door building)… no connection. Ring the doorbell to open…no response… go to the Garden side of the apartment,… no connection. I climb over the neighbours fence to get to the balcony door, pushed up against the glass, I can see the Niki opener on the wall next to the intercom… no connection. I am kicking myself - I mean this is barely any distance and it won’t connect through glass.
Climb to the second floor balcony door and thankfully, we forgot to close it and it was open 10cm so I could get my hand in and open it.
Had it not been for this, then we would have been screwed.
So with this, at least I could have remotely logged into the router, cut the internet and it would fail over to ring to open.