Elcom HT-802 RAB wiring / compatibility

Hi! Was ist mit “Obere klingel” gemeint, der Taster zum läuten oben bei der Wohnungstür, oder eine externe klingel oberhalb der Tür!?

Ja genau, die Wohnungstür oben. Es ist eine Mietwohnung.

Alles klar. Ja der hat manchmal einen eigenen Anschluss, um diesen zu identifizieren bräuchte ich aber bitte ein Foto der Schraubblöcke für die Kabel im Intercom, wo auch die zugehörigen Symbole zu sehen sind.

Ich hoffe du kannst da was erkennen, ich versuche noch mehr Bilder hochzuladen. Danke für deine Mühe!

Ok, this is a bit tricky! Comes the ring sound when someone rings from the big speaker in the Foto, or from a external bell?

It comes from the speaker thats in the picture, there is no external bell.

I am thinking, because the ring recognition you can surely do over one of the two Red speaker cables, but this would need a analogue configuration of the opener, but yours is digital, so I look now, if there is a analogue possibility to open the door, often possible just when connecting two of the screws, or two points of the opening circuit directly!?

Thank you for all your help, I hope that there is a workaround to do so.

No problem. Can you please show where the button for opening is on the intercom?

Sorry for the late response

The button on the right side is the one to open the door.

On the other photo you can see a black box with a little point/ button?

No problem! This button should be soldered to the board with two pins, - can you reach them!? Because if yes, it should be no problem to configure it as analogue, with all functionality there!

Hello all,
I hope someone is still within this thread and can help me.
In my new flat I got a elcom HT 802 RAB similar to the ones discussed above. But without the third cable on Position 3.
I tried to use the installation guide within the app, checked back with what you guys are suggesting but nothing works.
Attached a pictures after the opener wiring. Original cables where 6-yellow and 5-white.
What can I do to make it open the door (when ringing)?