Disabling and enabling auto-lock


Is there a way to disable (and then re-enable) auto-lock via the MQTT API?

Also, is there a way to retrieve the current state of the auto lock (enabled or disabled)?

[I’m using Nuki 4 Pro]


No, not for the time beeing.

If you want this implemented feel free to add a feature request and start collecting votes for it.

Thanks @Juergen, is there another workaround - maybe via other api?

Yes, through the web api: Swagger UI

Thanks @Juergen,
Does the Nuki bridge or Nuki Pro 4, support similar API? or is the only option to update the config is via the swagger web?

Thanks again,

Hi @Juergen,

so I decided to follow the swagger API interface - I managed to disable the auto lock feature upon request, but the problem is that the night mode overrides some of these settings.

Is there a way to control the nightmode via the api? I cannot see any configuration for whether the feature is enabled or disabled (/state shows the current nightmode status but not the configuration or whether the feature is enabled, not to mention disable it).

Thanks again,