
I have several NUKI Smartlock Pro 3.0 connected each to it’s own OpenWRT router.

At a certain point of their connection, they would send a DHCPRELEASE command and go offline for 10-20 minutes. This is unacceptable.

Why is this happening?

This went offline for more than one hour.

If you have not been on a recent beta firmware, try to update to the latest 3.10.7 release.
And make sure that you’ve read through this FAQ: Smart Lock WiFi/Thread/MQTT connection troubleshooting / FAQ

I’m on 3.9.5 and I don’t see any firmware update available. How do I upgrade?

It’s been two days that ALL my locks are waiting to be updated to 3.10.7 and I have automatic updates on, and yet they won’t update.

Meanwhile, I had a guest waiting outside my units for one hour. I also have a NUKI keypad paired to the lock and that doesn’t work either.

What is going on?

The update roles out in stages. It can take several weeks until Smart Locks get it via Auto-Update. See: Smart Lock 3.10.x Beta - #108 by Juergen

But you can always update them manually via Bluetooth through the Nuki App. If you join the beta program, they will also get the latest beta (which identical to the release) within 24h via Auto-Update.

I already sent a message to @Stephan Lendl to be added to the beta. It’s pretty urgent as I have for units overseas that I cannot reach via bluethooth to update them.