Connect nuki opener to the electric strike of an entrance door


I hope you can help me.

While looking for a way to convert our entrance door to the Nuki system, I came across the Nuki Opener.

According to the following Nuki video, the Nuki Opener can be connected directly to the electric door opener:

I think, only two wires should be necessary for this?

We have installed an electric door opener in the entrance door, which can currently be addressed/opened by intercom systems in the individual apartments, as well as via a Gira-TKS-IP gateway via the Gira app and via an RFID reader.

I have attached a photo of the installation.

Where exactly can you connect the two wires of the Nuki opener so that the electric door opener can be controlled via Nuki?

My plan is to install the Nuki Keypad 2 pro, which can be paired with the opener via Bluetooth. Permanent power for the opener and the Nuki Keypad should be possible with the existing installation, right?

I hope you can help me.

Best regards

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