Can't access. My Nuki Bridge not showing any open port (8080)

Hello, I am using Nuki bridge (fw version 2.10.8) and I need to acccess to my bridge via HTTP-API, because I wan’t connect the Nuki lock to the Home Assistant. When I put the http://myIP:8080/ into browser, I’ve got no response.

I’ve checked Nuki bridge via the Fing app (for Android) to check if the port is open, but there is no open ports for Nuki bridge. So my question is How I can open port to get HTTP-API Nuki bridge access working? Do I need to allow something else? Thanks for any help.

Also when I open this url, I should get response like this:
{“bridges”: [{“bridgeId”:uniqueID,“ip”:“”,“port”:8080,“dateUpdated”:“2017-06-14T06:53:44Z”} ],“errorCode”:0}

But I’ve got only this:

I’ve also tried to restart the Nuki bridge as well as disable firewall. But nothing helps.

@yura Did you already try to check the Bridge IP and API settings via the Nuki App (Burger menu => Manage device => Bridge) to see if values are correctly shown there?

Thank you very much. I have no Idea about the Manage devices - Bridge submenu, where I can allow HTTP API and see the token :slight_smile: :white_check_mark:

Thanks for the feedback.
I took that issue to finaly add the alternative way to the Bridge API docu for others to easierly find it :slight_smile: