Cannot find Nuki IP address

Hi there,
i have my Nuki Pro 3.0 connected to my wifi and all works well. Now i m looking for the ip address of Nuki to use it in HomeAssistant but under the “Connected devices” list on my wifi router (Orbi) cannot find Nuki listed. How is this possible? I mean…i can contro nuki via wifi on the app and on nukiweb and the connection satus show that is well connected to wifi.

Any suggestions? Ty. Fabio.

The reason could be that some WiFi hubs list only devices they can find in an active broadcast scan. Nuki does not react to such scans in order to conserve battery life.

You can find the IP if you open the Nuki App > Smart Lock Settings > Features & Configuration > Built-in Wi-Fi and tap 7x on the “Network” headline. This will load a WiFi report that contains the MAC and IP address.


Thank you very much for your help!!! That works
I was getting nuts with this :smiley:

Tengo Nuki 2.0 y el Bridge y ese camino Nuki > Smart Lock Settings > Features & Configuration > Built-in Wi-Fi y presionas 7x en el título “Red” no lo encuentro. ¿Hay alguna manera de saber la IP?


I did the 7x tap on the network headline, then got a wheel but then nothing.
Where can I find the report and get the IP?

Thanks for your help.

Like AlCor : a wheel, but then nothing at all.
Where can I get the IP ?
Thanks a lot
____ ISSUE :
You must be connected to your Nuki Web account for the process (Nuki App > Smart Lock Settings > Features & Configuration > Built-in Wi-Fi and tap 7x on the “Network” headline) : WiFi report well loaded…

@JFH , thank you for reporting back. We’ll have a look into the issue. Can you please give it a try if you are in Bluetooth range of your Smart Lock?

hello, does not work to get ip adress

Hey, just tried. This does not work at all. I am connected and all that, I still have no idea how to find the Nuki’s address. I am on an iPhone, and I can tap “Network” like crazy. No reaction. Also tried it within BT range and outside, reset the network, reset the Nuki…

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Honestly - this is important and the MAC should be shown ALWAYS without these tricks.

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Thank you very much for this hint.
However, I wonder why such an essential function is hidden!

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Hi Jürgen,

I can’t find the Network headline, for tipping in the 7x. I have the Nuki 3 Pro and the IOS App.

The german translation would be “Netzwerk” as shown in the image within the post you replied to.

At your screenshot this can be found here:

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