Calibration ends up with Bluetooth not in range message


Got the smart lock 2.0, using latest firmware and beta app… each time I try to calibrate the lock it ends up with Bluetooth out of range. Sometime I get a successful calibration but actually it is incorrect as the door is locked when asked t unlock, …etc

Never had this kind of issue with 1.0 lock.

Anyone has an idea on this?


Is your phone going to sleep while the calibration takes place? I had faced this once and kept the phone awake by touching the screen continuously. You may also use an app like “Caffeinate”.

Found the issue… Batteries almost dead in 1 day… Put new ones solved it.

So makes sense the lock was not able to open and probably bluetooth connection dropping from the lock side… Still the message is quite misleading.

Brand new 4.0. Batteries fully charged. Keeps coming up while trying to calibrate. :pleading_face: